Monday, March 31, 2014

How to Hit a Racquetball Forehand

If you have a weak backhand you must have a killer forehand or you will lose to players that you wouldn't if you just had a good backhand or forehand. Practice hitting both forehands and backhands to get a better at both forehand and backhand.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to Hit a Racquetball Backhand

For most people the backhand is the weaker side but, for the body hitting a backhand take less energy than to hit forehand because to hit a forehand you must first move your arm away from your body than you swing the racquet toward your body & to hit a backhand you start with your arm close to your body than you swing away from your body.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

How To Hit Splat Shot & Pinch Shot Racquetball

The Splat shot only works when you and the ball are close to the wall. The splat can be done with both forehand & backhand but, works best with the backhand

1. Hit the ball into the side wall close to your body.

2. The ball then hits the front wall than the ball moves sideways or just dies up at the front wall.

The Pinch shot can be called by the same name as the splat but has differences like the splat you hit the ball into the sidewall close to your body and the pinch shot you hit the ball so it hits 1 to 3 foot from the front wall. in the picture show an reverse pinch.

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Racquetball - Practice Tips

Rhonda Rajsich teaches you how blue painting tape, also makes a great practice method

Blue painting tape is good to make targets.