Saturday, February 15, 2014

How To Treat Tennis Elbow

If you have tennis elbow you will want to watch this video!

How to treat tennis elbow?
1. Put ice on the forearm and elbow.
2. Stretch your forearm and tricep muscles.
3. Massage your forearm and tricep muscles.
4. Rest and have time heal your elbow.
5. Build an stronger forearm and tricep muscles by weight training.

What muscle's are tennis elbow pain from?
1. Forearm or lower arm.
2. Tricep or back of the upper arm.

And why do you get tennis elbow?
1. Overuse of the forearm and tricep muscles.
2. Overuse of the elbow itself.
3. Bad swing technique.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

How To Teach Your Kids Racquetball

Keep it fun is the biggest lesson you must teach your kid about racquetball, if you make it to hard for them to play racquetball than they will find racquetball to be boring and will not want to play anymore.

This video is a good example of what to do when teaching racquetball to kids.

Learn how to play

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jose & Markie Teaching Racquetball & Fitness

Jose Diaz Teaching How To Hit Ceiling Balls.
Markie Rojas Showing How To Use Ropes For Core & Balance Work.
Quick Bodyweight Workout For Racquetball.
Dave Ellis Talking about Playing Racquetball.
Dave Ellis Talking about USA Racquetball Team Members.

Go To

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Racquetball Game Video - Alvaro Beltran vs Kane Waselenchuk

Awesome watching how powerful both their backhand are!

This is the first video I see Alvaro Beltran
doing drive serves and not the wallpaper lob.